HGE was awarded the contract for this project to provide full architectural design services, engineering, and survey work. The design takes advantage of the natural sloping and wooded terrain and creates a buffer between the back of the homes and adjacent property lines. HGE prepared a slide show of the project for design presentation for the City of North Bend council and planning commission approval. We coordinated our H.U.D. requirements and road improvements with the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and worked with several other governmental agencies and utilities. The project includes 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom single-family dwellings; duplexes, common public space with seating, recreation, playground, terraced walls, and full landscaping.
Location North Bend, OR
Completed January 2001
Contractor Laskey-Clifton Construction
Cost $2.2 million
Size 17 Homes/Duplexes
Type New Construction