HGE was contracted by the Chetco Public Library to renovate the main library area including the lobby in the Public Library building. The impacted area is approximately 14,600 sq. ft. of the existing 16,500 sq. ft. building. Work included: selective demolition, minor rough framing, full height glazed partitions, doors, carpet, paint, mechanical (duct work reconfigure), electrical, and lighting upgrades. Coordination of work with a separate furnishings upgrade contract was also required. The Main Library area was modified to create a Young Adult/Children’s room and Adult Reading room. Finishes were upgraded and replaced (flooring). Lighting was upgraded as well as necessary mechanical and electrical modifications. Interior Design was provided by Engberg Anderson Architects.
Location Brookings, OR
Completed June 2022
Contractor Ausland Group
Cost $923,780
Size 14,600 sq. ft.
Type Remodel